An Interesting Border Crossing

I am afraid I have no pictures for this blog, even the feature picture is one from the free picture gallery. But our border crossing from Cambodia to Vietnam was such an interesting experience I thought I would share it. We started out by leaving our hostel on time instead of early as we had … Continue reading An Interesting Border Crossing

Beach Days

After our rock climbing adventure, we headed to Kep to chill out at the beach for a couple of days or so we thought. The place we were staying was nice enough, it was traditional style accommodation in wooden buildings raised off the floor, and much cleaner and well kept than High Tide had been. … Continue reading Beach Days

There And Back Again, A Crane’s Tale

Of all the places we went to on our travels, the crane nature park was the most out of the way and the most faff to get to. But it was worth it. We started our journey the day before from Sapporo, we got the train to Kushiro which in of itself was not a … Continue reading There And Back Again, A Crane’s Tale

The Bad And The Ugly

Two warnings to start out on this blog, the first is that this blog will basically be a long rant about our time at the Fuze Ecoteer Rain forest conservation project. It will be very negative, so if you are not interested in the details, just take from this blog that I would not recommend … Continue reading The Bad And The Ugly

Paying For A Prison Cell

You have already heard about what we got up to in Hong Kong, what I haven't shared is our accommodation situation we had there. Our first night was in a lovely hotel as it was part of the Essential China tour. After that though we were on our own. We booked literally the cheapest accommodation … Continue reading Paying For A Prison Cell